Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective and one example that is ineffective. Explain your reasons, for example, you can describe how well the effective example takes advantage of the Internets properties (e.g. interactivity, personalization, greater hold on user's interest). For the ineffective ad, you may describe how you can improve on it.
Effective Internet Marketing:
I choose to take Pizza Hut as an example. The Pizza Hut had developed a online ordering system. For the first time user, if you want to order for a pizza, first you require to register as member.
After registration, the system store some useful information, such as address and contact number, so everytime when you order Pizza, you no need to re-enter such contact information.
Pizza Hut has developed this ordering system for few years, they modified the system from time to time, to make the system more user friendly.
To make order more effectient, Pizza Hut divided customers into 3 type: express, normal and advanced.
The first one is the customer just order for some simple menu, and the rest for more advanced user. When customer choosing the pizza, they can find them easily by browsing the pictures. All selection can be find in the web.
The website has divided all the selection process step-by-step, and the icons are user friendly. When you finished the ordering process, a survey is optional for user to fill in. This is a good way to collect opinion from users.
Pizza Hut's online ordering system takes good advantage of the Web's interactivity and personalization features. I also like the Express Ordering ( where users in a hurry can simply click "+" or "-" to add items from a limited menu.